20 dobrých návykov pre dobré zdravie

dobrý zdravotný stav

Whatever you do to maintain your health, it is in the repetition of these actions that the key to success lies. Running a half marathon once a year will give you an endorphin kick at best, or a new boo-boo at worst. On the other hand, 30 minutes of walking or jogging, several times a week, all year round, will definitely do wonders for your quality of life and your health.

In short, to help you improve your physical and mental health one day at a time, we offer 20 healthy habits. Ideally, pick just one and then wait until it’s firmly established in your routine before adding another!


1. Eat in good company

Pull away from the screens and take a moment to connect with real people. Not only will you strengthen your social connections, but having a conversation will encourage you to eat more slowly. This will give you time to put your fork down when you’re full, but not too full.

2. Fill half your plate with vegetables and fruit

Many of us know this recommendation, but far fewer of us actually do it. When planning your menu, think of salads, soups, raw vegetables, gratins, purées and stir-fries or fresh fruit, smoothies and compotes. Nutritious, low-calorie and inexpensive, vegetables should be the mainstay of a healthy diet!

3. Drink water

Water is essential to stay well hydrated and avoid unnecessary headaches, fatigue and concentration difficulties. Carry a reusable bottle with you and leave it in plain sight so that you remember to take small sips often. Unsweetened tea, herbal tea and coffee are also good options.

4. Follow your hunger and satiety signals

How much food should you eat each day? The answer to this question varies greatly depending on your weight, gender, age and level of physical activity. That said, a good way to make sure you’re eating just enough to satisfy your needs is to simply listen to your hunger. When your stomach is growling, you eat. When we are full, we stop. Even if there is still food on our plate. Even if we are offered a second helping.

5. Vary your food

Adding variety to your menu allows you to enjoy the unique benefits of a wide range of ingredients. For example, we can change up wheat toast at breakfast by trying an overnight oatmeal, or add several different coloured vegetables to our grocery cart.

6. Breakfast > lunch > dinner

As we need all our concentration and energy during the day, it is advisable to eat a hearty breakfast, a medium-sized lunch and a light supper. This way, you go to bed more comfortable and wake up feeling a little peckish, just enough to… start again!

7. Focus on the lunchbox

Whether you’re at work, school or on the go, packing your own lunches and snacks for a quick bite to eat is always a winner. Not only can you save several dollars, but you also avoid the excess sodium, added sugars, fats and chemical additives of fast food chains.

8. Take the time to cook

Cooking is a big word! Here, we’re talking about choosing a time during the week to prepare a few simple and tasty dishes that will save you a lot of time on busy days. In two hours, you can bake 12 muffins, cut up a melon and some raw vegetables, marinate tofu and cook quinoa without any problems.


9. Play outside

Getting outside every day is one of the easiest and most enjoyable things you can do to improve your health. Recent studies have shown that exposure to daylight has significant positive effects on health and spending time outside helps with stress management.

10. Walk

Whenever you can. To get to the grocery shop or the office, to get some fresh air at lunchtime or to visit a city. Walk. The minimum recommended number of steps is 10,000 a day. It’s not a small number, but every minute you walk counts and gets you closer to your goal. It’s like a game!

11. Get up regularly

Prolonged inactivity is just as big a problem as lack of exercise, if not bigger. Sitting for long hours at a time compromises the body’s ability to use its fats and sugars, which poses many health risks. Fortunately, the solution is very simple: break the inactivity as often as possible by getting up regularly. Go to your colleague’s office, talk on the phone standing up or use the stairs. Any excuse is good to break the inactivity in your daily life!

12. Stand up straight

Set yourself regular reminders (alarms or notes) to remember to sit up straight! Bring your neck and pelvis into neutral, then pull your shoulder blades back to open your chest. Good posture allows every muscle to work properly and reduces pressure on the joints. In the long term, this will reduce your risk of developing back pain and, in the short term, you will feel more confident and energetic and breathe better.

13. Stretch

Without having to stretch for an hour, you can maintain your mobility by moving your body differently for a few minutes a day. By incorporating one or two stretches into your daily routine, you can improve your range of motion in your joints, reducing your chances of injuring yourself when you make a wrong move. What’s more, you’ll get an instant energy boost from the influx of oxygenated blood to your muscles and brain.

14. Use your muscles

Whether it’s to counteract age-related muscle loss, prevent osteoporosis[4] or back pain, or simply to make it easier to perform any activity, we all benefit from maintaining our muscles by using them as often as possible. Taking the stairs, going for a hike in the mountains, adding a few push ups or a yoga class to your day are just a few ways to do this!

15. Move with friends

It’s a twofer: it’s fun and motivating. Indeed, motivating others is one of the best ways to motivate yourself. And by moving with friends, you’ll associate being active with a sense of fun, which will encourage you to do it regularly!


16. Smile

This is an easy habit to adopt, but one that will have a very positive effect on your mood. Simply lifting the corners of your mouth will produce endorphins, giving you an instant dose of happiness!

17. Disconnect

Putting your mobile phone away for at least an hour a day can be a real challenge for some. Yet being connected 24/7 can have detrimental effects on memory, creativity and productivity. Disconnect for at least an hour a day and give your brain a well-deserved break!

18. Breathe

Take time to stop and breathe deeply. Too often, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we only breathe on the surface. Taking the time to breathe deeply can not only calm the mind, but it is also beneficial on a physical level. By lowering your blood pressure and heart rate, deep breaths in and out will help you manage stress.

19. Take micro-vacations

Every day? If possible, yes! Half an hour is enough. A micro-vacation is simply a time during the day to completely switch off. To lie down and stare into the void. Let your brain wander without occupation. You will be surprised at the positive effects on your creativity and energy!

20. Sleep

Sleep, along with exercise and a healthy diet, is one of the main pillars of good health. Getting a good night’s sleep (7-8 hours per night) on a regular basis will positively influence your mood, memory, longevity, cognitive and physical performance[7].


In short, the advantage of adopting healthy lifestyle habits is that they can be maintained forever, unlike the more extreme solutions, which can only be temporary. By choosing the first option, you ensure success in the short and long term!