How to live with Gout?

“How do you manage gout?” The Rheumatism League in Switzerland conducted a survey to find out about people’s lives with gout. They asked about their health, lifestyle, and how they cope with it. Half of the 200 participants, both men and women, had been suffering from this condition for eleven and a quarter years. Many have made peace with their gout and are now able to manage it. There are still many gaps in our knowledge.

This is the best natural supplement for Gout: Gout Treatment

What triggers a Gout attack?

How can it worsen the health of those suffering from gout? Rheumaliga Schweiz’s online survey revealed that two-thirds of respondents knew about it. This is a very satisfying number. 61% of people know that gout attacks can be treated by immobilizing and cooling the affected joints. 73% of gout sufferers recommend that they eat more vegetables and dairy products. 87% of those surveyed can identify the trigger for a gout attack as a lavish dinner with plenty of meat and alcohol.

In this Channel you can learn all about Gout: Gout Home Remedy


Gout is the most severe form of rheumatism. Gout affects the joints and soft tissues. It is most commonly found in the base of the big toe. Gout is most common in men over 40. Gout is the most common form of inflammatory joint disease in men over 40. Gout attacks can be triggered by eating a lot of seafood, meat, and fish the night before. These are the straws that break the camel’s back, but they were there long before. Gout is caused by an increase in blood uric acid. This condition is known as hyperuricemia.

In this Pharmacy you will find more Home Remedies for Gout: Home Remedies For Gout

Exercise and Diet

Lifestyle changes can help manage gout. A majority of the people who took part in the gout survey said that they pay attention to their diets. An impressive 57% of those who participated in the gout survey eat fruits and veggies every day. 46% eat dairy products every day, which are low in the uric acid because of their low purine levels. Avoid sweet drinks and convenience foods like frozen pizzas. A certain amount of people are reluctant to eat meat. Only 9% eat it daily.

However, the survey shows that men consume a lot of alcohol, particularly in the areas of alcohol consumption. Gout sufferers consume alcohol in excess of two thirds. These include 68% who drink alcohol occasionally, 26% every day and 6% multiple times per day. The formation of uric acids is inhibited by alcohol, and it can also increase its excretion. Gout sufferers should limit their daily wine intake to no more than two glasses for men and one glass for women. Avoid alcohol and spirits. Non-alcoholic beer should be avoided due to the purine found in yeast, which starts the fermentation process.

The survey also asked about diet habits. A surprisingly high number of gout sufferers (63%) exercise on a daily or weekly basis to the point that their pulses are slightly elevated or they sweat. We at the Swiss Rheumatism League are baffled by the fact that so many gout sufferers are overweight despite eating a healthy diet and getting enough exercise. Our survey revealed that two thirds of gout sufferers have a body weight index of 25 or more. These answers may be influenced by social desirability bias – the convergence of self-image and accepted and propagated ideals.

Gout has different symptoms: Gout Symptoms

One third of the World’s knowledge Gaps

What triggers a gout attack? How can it worsen the health of those suffering from gout? Our survey revealed that two-thirds of respondents knew this.

This is a very pleasing number that confirms the information we already have via our gout quiz, which has been taken by more than 2,300 people. 61% of people know that cooling and immobilizing affected joints can help with gout attacks. 73% of gout sufferers know that they should eat more vegetables and dairy products. 87% also know what triggers a gout attack, and that is a rich meal with plenty of meat or alcohol.

However, 12% of those quizzed believe that gout can be caused by normal aging. 24% believe it is a good idea to substitute meat with seafood (!).. 30 percent estimate that a treatment with a uric acids lowering agent like Allopurinol and Febuxostat will last for one year. However, one might think it takes five years to stop using the drug. There is always a need to be informed, even if these myths and errors persist.

Boswellia is a potent Natural Remedy for Gout: Home Remedy For Gout