20 good habits for Good Health

Whatever you do to maintain your health, it is in the repetition of these actions that the key to success lies. Running a half marathon once a year will give you an endorphin kick at best, or a new boo-boo at worst. On the other hand, 30 minutes of walking or jogging, several times a …
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What are the keys to staying fit and healthy?

Being healthy is a concept that has evolved considerably. Our lifestyles, our social relationships and the influence of our environment all play an important role in staying fit. Good health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Sustainable health, or the influence of …
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What are the steps to good health?

Being mentally healthy is not simply a matter of not having a mental disorder. A person can live with a mental disorder and still experience emotional well-being resulting in a balanced and satisfying life. The reverse is also true: the absence of a mental disorder is no guarantee of emotional well-being. Like being physically healthy, …
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